I wish these had been around 15 years ago… #staticsitegenerator #webdev #html

While checking out instructions to HexEdit and Reflash my KaiOS phone (definitely don’t have the confidence to do that yet!) I came across a site written with “Zola“, a “Static Site Generator”.

While creating the vast majority of the code for MonstaPro, it made me wonder if there wasn’t an easier way to generate HTML and CSS, even JavaScript (yes: I still spell it with an uppercase “S”!). I was writing all that (easily 10s KLOC) by hand back then…

Written in Rust and configured using TOML (but all actual content you write uses CommonMark) once configured you write templates and “scripts” for those templates, so Zola creates your HTML exactly the way you tell it to. Bloomin’. Genius.

You can even install in on Windows, but you need a Package editor to do so. Go check it out.

Hey, MiSTer! #arcade #gaming

The “MiSTer” Project has intrigued me for some time (I last wrote about it in 2019) and even while the world somewhat crumbles around us, it provides hope as well entertainment.

While it does quite vigorously only look at emulation to produce output (necessitating use of “matching” add-ons for the DE-10 “Field Programmable Gate Array”) the #MiSTercade offshoot is designed from the outset to sit inside a “coin operated” arcade “cabinet”.

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Pretty Computing Machines Designed For Linux #slimbook

While I’m sure this has been done before; I haven’t seen something pre-built that’s quite as shiny.

We assemble computers searching for excellent quality and warranty service, at a reasonable price. [Currently: I’m not sure anyone in with this customer base can definitely offer this. Anyway:] So much so, that in 2018 we were awarded Best Open Source Service / Solution Provider at the OpenExpo Europe 2018.”
